
Thursday 3 December 2015


RAVA IDLI- Tasty and spicy Idli recipe that can be prepared quickly.The taste of this recipe depends totally on the curd that we use.If you like the Idli to be sour,use sour curd.

Soft Rava Idli

My sister gave me this recipe.I have tried this recipe both by grinding the ingredients or adding them whole.Grinding makes it more spicier.So if you like a hot version you can grind the pepper, chillies, cumin seeds,ginger coarsely and add them to the batter.Idlis made of both sour and non sour curd tastes equally good.Since I had only fresh curd, the below recipe uses non sour curd.

Rava Idli Recipe

1 Cup
3/4 cup
Green Chillies
1/2 inch
Coriander Leaves
Curry Leaves
Pepper Powder
1/4 tsp
Cumin Seeds
1/2 tsp
Mustard Seeds
1/4 tsp
Urad Dhal
1/4 tsp
Channa Dhal
1/2 tsp
Cashew Nuts
Few (Optional)
A pinch
Grated Coconut
2 to 3 tsp (Optional)
Cooking Soda
A small pinch
To taste
2 tsp
2 to 3 tsp

1.Chop Green Chillies,Ginger,Coriander Leaves,Curry Leaves into very fine pieces.
2.In a kadai heat ghee and fry cashews,Keep them aside.This is for garnishing.
3.In the same kadai add oil.When Oil is hot enough add mustard seeds.Once mustard splutters add urad dhal,channa dhal,Cumin seeds.Fry in very slow flame till the dhal turns golden brown. This tempering part is very important.If the dhals burn it will spoil the taste for sure.And if it is not browned it will not taste good either.That crunchy feel you get while eating the Idli is the highlight.
4.Add Asafoetida followed by curry leaves,chillies,ginger and coriander leaves.
5.Add pepper powder and grated coconut to this.Now add the rava slowly.Fry the rava till you get a nice aroma.Do this in low flame.
6.Switch off the flame and add curd.In the mean time boil water in Idli pan for steaming Idlis.
7.Add water till you get the Idli batter consistency.Add salt and finally cooking soda.Mix well.
8.Grease the Idli plate with ghee.Place some cashews in each plate and top with Idli batter.
9.Steam cook in the Idli pan for 15 mins or until a tooth pick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
10.Serve hot with any chutney combination of yours.I served with Onion and Tomato Chutney.
11.Cook 'n' Enjoy

1.As said above tempering is very important as only those are the key ingredients in this recipe.So do the tempering with no hurry in low flame.
2.If the batter is very thick the Idlis may turn hard.
3.After adding soda, Start steaming Idlis Immediately.
4.Do not add more coconut.These are just to add some taste.You can omit if you do not prefer.