
Tuesday 15 April 2014


RAVA KESARI RECIPE - Delicious & Simple South Indian Sweet. But needs some skills to make it perfect. I learnt from many websites, got advice from my relatives. Combined all possibilities and this came out really very well.Look at the grainy texture in the below picture.

In many websites rava : water ratio was 1: 2. To me 1:2 ratio din't work well. Rava was not cooked properly.Even adding hot water din't work.
In one website it was 1:4. This time I tried with 1:4 and it came out well.I cooked completely in low flame.
This recipe is a combination of many sources.Here is the recipe of delicious rava kesari

1 Cup
4 Cups
1 to 1&1/2 Cups
5 to 6 Tbl Spn
Cardamom Powder
1 tsp
7 to 8
Raisin/ Dry Grapes
5 to 6
1 tsp
Artificial Colour
1 pinch

1. Heat 1 tbl spn of ghee in kadai. Fry cashews and raisins. Keep aside.
2. Fry rava in the same kadai till rava give a good aroma. It takes around 5 mins in low flame. Keep fried rava aside.Frying rava well will make the kesari separated or it will be mushy.
3. Now bring 4 cups  of water to boil in the same kadai.
4. Add artificial colour and salt to the boiling water.I learnt adding a pinch of salt enhances the taste to any sweet. So tried it and it tasted well.
5. Now add fried rava slowly and stir well so that no lump is formed. Close it with a lid and allow rava to get cooked well.This is very important. If rava is not cooked well kesari will be not taste good.
6. Once rava is cooked well and the water is reduced and sugar little by little and stir well again without any lumps.Sugar melts and the taste blends with rava.
7. To this add 3 tbl spn of ghee and stir well.
8. Continue stirring until kesari is separated from kadai.
9. To this add cardamom powder,fried cashews and raisins some more ghee and mix well.
10. When Kesari separates from kadai transfer it to a bowl greased with ghee.

1. Take care not to burn cashew and raisins.This will affect the taste of kesari.
2.Frying rava well  will make kesari separated or it may turn mushy.
3.Adding a pinch of salt enhances the taste of sweet.
4.Only when rava is cooked properly kesari will taste good.
5.To check if kesari has come out in right consistency wet your fingers and touch the kesari.If it does not stick then it is the right consistency.
6.I cooked kesari completely in low flame.